LAST UPDATED: December 19th, 2024
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Halloween, 2015. When most kids are getting costumes on and preparing for trick or treating, we’re doing things a little different! We were supposed to head to Patriots Point, a military museum in Charleston. But, because we value sleep more than we do keeping a schedule, we didn’t get moving early enough to make it there. Funny how that happens!
First things first, we kicked the day off with a Scary Pancake from IHOP! They were serving them free today, and you KNOW we don’t ever pass up free food!
Then we headed out of the city on a beautiful drive through John’s Island and Wadmalaw Island, SC. They are conjoined islands that are home to countless marshes, plantations and small towns. And breathtaking roads like this one:

Charleston Tea Plantation
Our drive led us to the Charleston Tea Plantation, home of Bigelow Tea, and the only tea farm in all of North America.
We took a brief factory tour to see the machinery used to produce green, black and oolong tea. Because it was a weekend, unfortunately the machines were not in operation so we didn’t get to see the process in action. We did get to walk through the grounds though! Such a beautiful place
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The Angel Oak
From there we stopped by the Angel Oak, a 1500+ year old oak tree. It is stunning!! The branches are so heavy, many are touching the ground, and several have been given posts to help them stay attached. There were a couple places you could see the branch had broken from the weight, and managed to heal itself. Certainly an impressive sight!
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Coastal Carolina Fair
We thought it was only fitting to finish the day at a fair! It was fun to walk through a midway and fairgrounds on October 31 in summer weather and clothing! The southern BBQ booths smelled AMAZING, though we opted not to indulge (budgeting and all, $10/a chicken breast just isn’t something we can get on board with!)

All in all, Halloween 2015 was one of our best yet, despite no costumes or trick or treating. It truly is WHO you’re with, not what you’re doing, that makes the day fun!

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